Announcing New Bliss & Unplug Meditation Classes

with Daneen Farrall

  1. What is Bliss & Unplug and why was it recently added to Inner Bliss' offerings?

    Bliss & Unplug is our way to cultivate a calm space in the heart of the city. Like a city, the mind is busy. Thoughts either race through the mind like cars on the highway, or the mind gets stuck in the same habitual thought patterns like cars stuck in lanes of traffic. Bliss & Unplug will introduce mindfulness techniques like conscious breathing, guided visualization and mantra to help bring the mind to its natural state of peace and ease. 

  2. Whom is it geared toward?

    Bliss & Unplug is for anyone curious about the powerful effects of a meditation practice. From college students to CEOs, anyone who lives, works, studies and plays downtown can take advantage of this new offering. 
  3. Do you have to have experience in Meditation to attend Bliss & Unplug?

    No meditation experience is necessary. Our skilled teachers will guide you through each session from beginning to end. 
  4. What will the class look like, ie. sitting or laying on mats?

    Mats, bolsters, blankets and meditation seats will be provided. Students are welcome in their street clothes, and can be prepared to either sit or lay in savasana during the class. 
  5. What outcome can a student expect from attending Bliss & Unplug?

    As a beginner, the experience of sitting or lying still for an extended period of time can be uncomfortable. But, like with the asana, a consistent practice will yield huge benefits. Clarity of mind, increased energy, decreased stress, and improved emotional resiliency are just a few of the proven benefits of a meditation practice.

Experience Bliss & Unplug with Daneen or Jeanna downtown on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30AM at Inner Bliss Downtown.


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