Yin and Somatics Workshop - Sunday, October 8

Learn to let go and relax.

One of the biggest secrets to health is the ability to relax. Experience first hand how it feels to deeply relax.

Our autonomic nervous system is the number one key marker to good health. Most people in today's society live in the stress state, known as the sympathetic nervous system. This leads us to chronic fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, sleepless nights, anger, agitation, aggression and more. More often than not, we tend to speed up, or busy ourselves even more to distract ourselves further, instead of slowing down to relax and feel.

This workshop is an opportunity to slow down, tune into yourself, let go and awaken areas of your body and life that have been hiding for a long time. The best part is that your body, mind and spirit will feel harmonized, synchronized and in balance. Think of all your systems as clocks running on different times, after this experience the clocks will begin to all hum together in harmony. This is a feeling of bliss.

Somatic release is also part of this workshop. When dogs fight, immediately they shake after. When birds fight they flap their wings after. When humans fight, we relive the original event by telling everyone we know, posting it on social media, gossiping, calling and texting.The body does not know the difference between the real event and the replays of the mind, so this keeps the stress going in the body. The shaking and flapping are all instinctual ways of releasing the stress hormones in our physical body. When we are stressed, we tend to clench our jaws, make fists, shrug up our shoulders, and tense up all kinds of areas in the body. This sends a chronic amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) through our bodies, and if it does not get released, it hardens the tissues and inevitably will lead to dis-ease in the body. Learn practical and accessible ways to release this out of your body to feel relaxed, aware and more alive.

*Please bring an eye covering or eye bag to this workshop.

Anne Marie Kramer Bio

Human AF, you can call me AMK, Annie or Anne Marie, I have many different expressions just like you. Growing up with a tough family led me to learning endless ways of how to pull myself out of darkness, enjoy happiness and ride the roller coaster we call life.

I don’t have the answers and at the same time I feel called to connect with others and share the tools I have learned over the last 23 years studying every aspect of health. From mental health, physical health and “spiritual” health. I have a degree in Exercise, have worked in Corporate America as well as opened three large yoga studios in California. Now I live in Bali. Having two children has possibly taught me more than any work I have done. I know success and I know failure, each one has made me who I am today. My mission is to connect with other humans and support each other on this journey.

My life is equally dark and inspiring. This is the beauty of humanity. I love hard and I can’t wait to meet you.


Yoga for Glutes and Hip Flexors with Sally Brooks - September 30


Teen Yoga - Sunday, October 8