steady practice.

Well hello there!

If you are in CLE, it is an exciting day with the possibility of lots of snow this evening! Keep in mind we do follow the school closings for the respected cities of Westlake and Rocky River (unless they close for reasons other than road conditions) for the morning classes but we also take into consideration our teachers’ safety in getting to the studio. If you are unsure, the best way to check is to look at MindBody or our schedule of classes and it will be noted if a class is canceled.

These possible snow days are a great opportunity to unroll your mat at home and step onto it, stepping into your own practice. Trust yourself to inhale into expansion and exhale into contraction and find a steady call from inside to feel your feet on the ground, your strong legs beneath you and your head up and heart open.

On the outside, there will always be surprises, distractions, things that knock you down but your practice can always be a steady, grounding force.

In the midst of the rise and the fall, the love and the loss, the habits and the hustle, there is a call to return over and over to our steady practice on the mat. The dedication to our ongoing showing up for ourselves on the mat doesn’t always look bright and shiny. It is sometimes dull and even a chore to move through the breath and movement. On those days in particular, there is gold to be found in just getting to your mat and practicing - even one sun salutation at a time.

If you have been there through it all or are just finding your way back, our doors are open, our hearts are open and we cannot wait to see you for practice!

Big love,


Mini 5-Day Experience with Katie and Michelle


it's monday.