The Experience: A Chance to Consider Habits

by Tammy Lyons

We cannot deny the relationship between what we eat and how we feel, yet habits often enslave us to not feeling our best simply because we are not aware.  

Backing out of habits is not easy but with the support of a group and a framework, habits look less scary. The Experience is not as much a cleanse as a chance to shed some habits for a period long enough to actually feel different. Those habits can be anything from what we are eating and drinking to what we are thinking and doing mindlessly.  

Wondering where to start? Make a list of 5 habits; things you do everyday the same way. Not all habits are bad, many are very productive and healthy. Next, jot down 5 habits that you suspect are not inspiring you to be your best. Then, just notice the habits over the next week. You don't have to change anything, just the simple awareness will often be enough to gently choose another way.  

The Experience is a time to really indulge in self care…try some aromatherapy.

The Experience is not as much a cleanse as a chance to shed some habits for a period long enough to actually feel different.
— Tammy Lyons, Founder and Owner, Inner Bliss Yoga Studios

The Experience Begins November 1


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