your spine.

Supple spine, calm mind, cloud nine!

Last week Sally and I offered an event at Gordon Green that included a fluid practice focused on the back body and moving the spine, as well as a heavenly sound bath.

The practice was inspired by my borderline obsession with the spine and all of the nerves, energy and life it holds.

I notice this time of year the bodies I observe are little more rounded in the shoulders and seemingly in a state of slight flexion (rounded forward). As the winter ends and the cold begins to recede, our spine can benefit from releasing stagnant energy that builds up from the contraction of winter - like an unfolding we see in the limbs of a tree.

We can give some extra love to our spine this time of year in preparation for Mother Nature’s great begin again that we call spring. You may already be feeling called to awaken, or a nudge to expand, a gentle urge to come forth and grow as we all begin again.

As we breathe and move we naturally give our sacred spines attention, but if we can pay just a little extra special attention to moving the spine, there is so much energy to be gained!

Congestion in the spine can lead to fatigue and low energy. Move into this new season with the intention to free stagnant energy in the spine.

It is important to acknowledge that there are energy centers living at certain points of our spines made up of bundles of nerves. Activating these energy centers can have so many positive benefits to our health and well-being.

The spine is designed to move in 6 directions, in day to day life we often only move it one direction - a slight hunch forward. And yet, movement in the spine is life-affirming - you could say, “motion is lotion” (Vernon Griffith) and we need to apply it every day.

Poses to consider as you give some love to your spine:

  • Low bridge or low cobra (gentle extension)

  • 3 Sun salutations

  • Low lunge twist

  • Thread the needle, repeat and then stay

  • Wide leg forward fold with spinal rotation

  • Supine twist (knees to chest and look over opposite shoulder)

  • Savasana (always ❤️)

  • I hope more attention to your spine leads to feeling on cloud nine!

Big love,


One Day Yoga Retreat at North Ridge Farm


Book Club: The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin