Flow with Pride Classes Donate to LGBT Community Center

From Tammy Lyons:

“Susan Zanetti and I delivered the check for the $1000 to the beautiful LGBT Community Center on Tuesday directly to Matt Graves, director of development of communication.

Susan had the idea to do the fundraising classes and encouraged me to plan them. Anna and Kim stepped up and jumped in, offering their class proceeds to help support the cause which was so appreciated!

Together the three classes raised $800 and IBY put in another $200 for total of $1000. The new center is on Detroit Rd. next to Luxe in Gordon Square. It is gorgeous and so life-affirming!

I was impressed and honored that our city is opening its arms and heart so wide to embrace all. The Center offers so many resources to our city. It's amazing! Thank you all for bringing this to life!”


10 Day Summer Experience: August 8 - August 18 with Tammy Lyons


Westlake Studio Closing