healing potential.

Good morning!

I was reviewing my notes from last weekend at Inner Bliss with guest teacher, Max Strom and wanted to share this powerful thought.

So much of our discontent or even sadness, may come from not feeling seen and heard. It is helpful to remember every now and then that we are human beings and research suggests that once our basic needs of food, water and shelter are met, our next greatest need is to be seen and heard.

One way to invite this experience into your life is to practice being a good listener. To be the one who sees and hears. And, we can begin practicing being the listener and the witness to our own inner needs, on the mat through breath and movement.

As we listen to our own inner voice, we grow our capacity to feel into the moment with presence and listen as the compassionate witness. And in doing so, can be that for those in our lives we love so much.

You never know the impact you can have on a life just by showing up present and listening well.

Big love,


10 Day Summer Experience: June 13 - June 23 with Tammy Lyons


the benefits.