surrounded by.

Good morning!

Myself and a group of about 25 are in the midst of a 10 Day Experience. As we step out of our habits with The Experience, it is a great time to consider the people we spend most of our time with and reflect on how they light us up or let us down.

It is worth it to ask questions like do the people you have chosen to surround yourself with, fill you up or are they an energetic drain? While in some cases we do not have a choice in spending time with certain individuals (co-workers, family, etc), it is important that those you do get to choose, lift you up by truly seeing you, listening well, supporting you, bringing out your best and most importantly, leave you feeling open-hearted.

I love this Seth Godin piece on Faucets and Drains:

“Some people, every time they engage with others, are an energy drain. They take persuading, cajoling and enthusiasm to get going, and require ever more of it to keep going.

And some people are a faucet, an endless pipeline of possibility, potential and forward motion. It’s possible to turn a drain into a faucet. It’s mostly a choice, a decision to dance with the fear of contribution.”

Do your best to surround yourself with people who are faucets and believe in you. When you have the chance to help someone become a faucet, don’t miss it!

Go out into the world today and be a faucet for all of those around you!

Big love,


your body.


Pre Spring Break Experience