the end.

Don’t forget how you feel at the end.

Don’t forget how you feel at the end of a slow, steady yoga practice that feels like a massage.

Remember how you feel at the end of a sweaty, challenging yoga practice that unsticks the things that you didn’t even know were stuck.

Remember how you feel at the end when you finally get that thing done that has been on your list for far too long.

Don’t forget how you feel at the end of a long run or an invigorating bike ride or a walk with someone who listens well.

Don’t forget how you feel at the end of a great meal with friends who make you laugh or how you feel at the end of a day that has been productive and thoughtful and filled with the people you love!

Don’t forget the feeling at the end of a practice that has awakened all of your bodily systems including respiratory, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive & energetic systems!

Don’t forget how you feel at the end. Sometimes it is just what you need to begin again 💛.

Big love,


Join Inner Bliss Yoga for a Luxury Retreat to Miraval, AZ


Believe in CLE 2021 Event Recap