I bow.

Good morning beauties!

There are many ways to honor this life, acknowledge the landscape within and to consciously revere that which we love and hold close to our hearts. We can pray, give thanks, meditate and even sing.

Another sacred expression to honor and acknowledge with humility, is to bow. Physically, to drop our heads towards our heart and hinge from the waist towards the ground, in reverence. To me, the humble nature of a bow is what separates it, makes it magic.

The act of bowing, pulls us into the moment through the bodily sensation.

A beautiful practice can be to sit quietly and bow to that which we feel called to honor in any moment. We can bow to the day ahead, bow to our efforts to serve, bow to our gifts eternal, bow to what we have lost and what we have found. We can bow to our pain and know it is our reason, we can bow to our beauty within and the beauty around, we can bow to what lifts us up and to that which brings us to our knees. We can bow to each other and to our own selves.

A bow comes from a place of deep reverence and humility. A bow that says in its very nature - there is so much I know to be true, and yet there is still so much to be discovered.

Today, I bow to each of you. In thanks for opening my writing and taking the time to read. I bow to all that we share on the mat. I bow to your ongoing commitment to remembering who your really are, through the ancient practice of breath and movement.

Take time today to bow 🙇‍♀️

Big love, Tammy


Believe in CLE - Friday, September 3, 2021


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