Beyond the Mat Begins June 16


Beyond the Mat

Class series on Wednesdays from 7:30pm to 8:30pm in Rocky River.

Enjoy Wednesdays at 7:30pm with your favorite teachers and the topics they are passionate about - moving you towards deepening, expanding and growing beyond your yoga practice on the mat.

June 16th :: Katie :: Straight to the Core (60 min)

Light up your core from the inside out. We will explore the connection to the core in the physical body & energetic body. Discussions will include the muscle groups that make up your core and how to access them, the Bandha's, The Vayu's and the Chakras that reside in this area of the body. This class will offer a variety of core work to strengthen, stabilize and light up your core!

June 23rd :: Sally :: Meditation in Motion (75 min)

We’ve all heard that meditation is beneficial to our mental health, but if you’ve ever tried it you know how impossible it can feel to sit still! Sally will help demystify the art of seated meditation by showing you how to use the skills you already know from taking our regular yoga classes. In this class we WILL move and flow through postures, just like we always do! We will also build in progressively longer periods of stillness and silence to ease you into a friendly seated meditation at the end. Lots of tips, tricks, and strategies will be offered to help you find a customized meditation practice that works for you! Please bring your own cushion, blanket, or meditation chair if you would like something to sit on.

June 30th :: Tammy :: Elevate your State (60 min)

Do you have moments of feeling low energy, down or just a bit blah? This offering will arm you with specific practices to raise your mood, energy & enthusiasm for life! Lively discussion, introduction of practices and the yoga of cultivating and living in an uplifted, beautiful state! This offering will take place mostly seated with some standing and lying down. Open to everyone!

July 7th :: Abbey :: Sacred Within (60 min)

The Divine Feminine is an intuitive, regenerative, fierce, creative, loving force...and it is within us all! This class will explore our innate ability to access our intuition or Divine Knowing. With the intuitive guidance of Meggan Watterson's Divine Feminine Oracle cards we'll explore one aspect of the Divine Feminine. Discussion and journal prompts will help us get clear on how this embodied energy is present in us today, and guide us back to our own intuitive abilities. We'll finish with some movement and guided meditation to integrate it all, allowing us to leave feeling empowered and connected to our innate knowing! Please bring a pen/pencil and paper with you.

July 14th :: Kim :: Cultivating Resilience: Becoming an Emotional Scientist (60 min)

The two words “emotion” and “science” don’t usually go together. After all, emotion is more “feeling” and science is more “thinking.” However, the more we study our emotions, the more we can understand them and respond appropriately. Yoga and breathwork are wonderful tools to soothe an anxious mind, uplift a depressed soul, and cultivate a gratitude practice; all necessary to vibrate at a higher frequency — making the most of our lives. This class will be part discussion, part breath work, part Yin yoga — and very chill in nature. Come with water, a mat, and a curiosity about harnessing the power of your emotions to be your best self.

July 21st :: Abbey :: The Balanced Athlete (60 min)

Join us to get clear on specific ways yoga can enhance your athletic endeavors and experience the benefits firsthand! This class will explore the benefits of yoga for athletes - whether you're a weekend warrior or highly competitive in the sport you love. We'll discuss benefits that are backed by scientific research and also those that don't yet have a study behind them and then talk about the practical application of a yoga practice during different seasons of the athlete's competitive cycle - what it might look like and how athletes can capitalize on the benefits of yoga to enhance their performance and speed recovery. Breath and movement will be sprinkled throughout to allow students to feel these benefits in their own bodies as we discuss them.

July 28th :: Sally :: Yoga with Your Voice (60 min)

Whether you are the most talkative person you know or the most quiet, whether you love to sing or think you’re “no good” at it, this class is for you. Your voice is one of the most intimate and profound elements of your Being. It has the potential to be a powerful force for self expression and getting your needs met, and can even be used as a potent tool for self-healing. Yet many of us feel insecure, shut down, disempowered, and alienated from our own voice. In this special class you will begin to understand yourself as an energetic, vibrational instrument that can be “tuned” to a more harmonious frequency. We will flow through yoga postures, utilize dynamic breathing exercises, and explore various vocal technologies to activate your voice and raise your energetic vibration. Come with an open mind and leave with an open heart!

August 4th :: Katie :: Exploring the 8 Limbs of Yoga (75 min)

The yoga that we "do" when we step on our mats is only one aspect of the ancient teachings of the Patanjali's 8 Fold Path. We will dive into each of the 8 Limbs of Yoga through discussion, seated practices (meditation, mantra and pranayama) and some light movement. This experiential journey will allow you to feel and embody: The Yamas (the restraints) , The Niyamas (the observances) , Asana (the physical practice) , Pranayama (moving and controlling the life force), Pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), Dharana (concentration), Dhyana (meditation), Samadhi (pure absorption without a focal point). Please bring a small lightweight scarf or bandana with you.


begin again.

