preparing for.

As Thanksgiving gets closer, this week is an auspicious occasion to sit in deep gratitude.

As my teacher Max Strom has reminded me over the years, practicing gratitude is the ultimate medicine for negative thought patterns. A negative thought simply cannot co-exist with a grateful thought.

Thinking about being thankful is a valuable place to begin, but feeling gratitude is really what shifts us into an expansive state of presence.

To feel gratitude, we are called to step into the details, memories, specifics of that which we are thankful for and hold close to our hearts. For this to be possible, we must get still, turn inward and breathe deeply.

As we quiet the mind, we can feel in our breath, our bones and our bodies this powerful energy of gratitude circulating through us and changing us on a cellular level.

Try it :)

Big love,


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Grateful for Family! Special Class with Abbey Spiro