
Happy Wednesday all!!!

Below is an excerpt from project, related to The Experience, that I am working on.

Thank you for reading my writing. As always, I am eternally grateful for your readership.

I hope this resonates with you:)

on water…

….It may seem strange that hydration is up so high on the priorities for The Experience, but dehydration is often the cause of so many poor habits related to caring for ourselves. It is a seemingly obvious culprit to things like fatigue and energy, yet we are often not taught the importance of hydration as kids and our lack of awareness of this often makes us think we need food when we really need a tall glass of water.

“Drink more water” is advice that intellectually makes sense. Of course, I need more water the mind says in a moment after hearing the advice – yes, that makes sense. But until drinking more water becomes a sacred ritual and eventually a habit that is supported by deep listening and bodily feedback, we keep reaching for a bagel instead of 32 ounces of clear bliss. We could read 100 reasons why we should drink more water, but unless we can actually feel what water does for every aspect of our being, we just revert to our habituations of quenching our thirst with salsa and a bag of salty tortilla chips.

The Experience begs you to commit to a ½ gallon of plain old water every single day. You can guzzle it in the morning, sip it all day long, methodically plan 8 ounces at a time, somehow, some way, get the water in your body…

Big love, Tammy



