
Good morning,

This practice of writing Daily Bliss over the last 11 months has been one of the sweetest projects of my whole 18.5 years of IBY. Thank you for being a reader holding space for me to write with purpose. I am more grateful than you can imagine.

Sometimes I lose my voice and feel I have nothing worthy to share. Sometimes I feel withdrawn and quiet. But the writing is always therapeutic. I encourage you to consider your own writing practice. Actually I urge you to consider it.

Without negotiating with your mind, pull out a journal (we all have one million of these because it is a very popular present) or a notebook and put a date at the top and write. If you can’t think of anything to write about, try this prompt:

What lights you up?

I love this prompt because it makes us smile from the inside out and shifts our attention to goodness.

Just start and see where your writing leads you.

Big love,



