
Take time to breathe deeply today, to close your eyes even for a few moments and relax your face.

It is important. I am encouraging you as I encourage myself. And I encourage you, to encourage others.

When we have an emotional reaction such as anger, frustration, fear, anxiety, sadness, guilt, suffering or shame, there is a chemical reaction as a result happening inside our bodies. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released.

We need a break. Our bodies need a break. Our minds need a break.

Close your eyes, allow your breath to flow in and flow out, relax your face. If you can manage, raise your arms and stretch. Maybe even get on your mat for 5 minutes and cat cow, downdog, standing forward fold. Then think of something funny, laugh a little! If you have a pet, hug it. Take another deep breath.

This simple practice elicits a calm emotion and uplifting hormones (serotonin) are released.

I encourage you to do this, you encourage me. Let’s keep encouraging others:)

Big love,



